FOoter > faq

No. These courses are completely free.

The certificate facility will be made available soon.

No, currently we are not providing any credit courses.

Yes, After completing each course you will get a certificate.
You need to score at least 80% on the quiz to pass and get a certificate.
There is no eligibility criteria for joining any course, you can join any course you think is suitable for you.
No there is not any examination as such but you will need to complete quizzes given in the course with 80% score to earn the certificate.
Yes, you can change your profile data and update it accordingly.
To register or login you need to go on respective page first and need to fill your credentials there.
Yes you can change the password, you’ll find forgot password button in login screen.
Yes there is an option in profile section to do so.
Yes is compulsory for generating the certificate
If you have a question or a comment, please call us on 0141-2715071 (9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.) or email us at [email protected] or fill this form to contact us.
  1. Go to link eldalab.in and Click on enroll.
  2. Click on Login/Register.
  3. Click on Courses.
  4. Select the course in which you want to enroll.
  5. Go to Dashboard, you will be able to see all courses you have enrolled in.